Friday, September 5, 2008

Welcome to the Get Off Your Ass Challenge...

This blog is dedicated to my participation in The Thirty Day Challenge. I'm calling it the Get Off Your Ass Challenge because that's what I'm doing and I'm dedicating my effort to all of us who have been collecting ebooks and MP3's about marketing for years and have very little to show for it.

My official start date will be tomorrow and I'll keep you posted on my progress. I might actually combine days here and there, but most of the time will be following the day by day plan. You're welcome to participate in the challenge along with me and that will actually be a good thing. One of the important aspects of the challenge is to become part of a team. Being that I am starting after the official Thirty Day Challenge has ended, I'm not sure of the availability of team members.

Regardless, I'll post my progress as I go along.


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